So we have two parties. One is completely insane, the other is completely gutless. The system worked!
This cartoon was draw the week after the Superbowl. I was missing the NFL yet resentful that Mel Kiper had begun ESPN's saturation coverage of the NFL draft. That and beginning to think that President Obama is all brain and no cattle.
I don't know which tanker is best for the military, I just know that this is, in the words of my father, a bunch of horseshit.
These are my favorites. I find I do my best work when I can apply events that really matter to me to our usual political silliness.
Steve Jobs is fun to draw. If you asked school children to draw what a man from the future would look like, Jobs's is pretty much what they would come up with.
Sure Peyton Manning makes a ton more than President Obama, but to paraphrase Babe Ruth, he had a better year.
That was a close one. Editorial cartooning almost lost a guy whose opinions are as easy to caricature as that pile of elephant scat he calls a head.
John Edwards, Peter Orszag, Harry Reid, and Ben Nelson. Each one sleazy for a completely different reason.
This was a long way to go to draw Joe Lieberman with a tail.